Andrea Fuhrel-Forbis, MA

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Andrea was a Research Fellow at CBSSM from 2009-2011 and from 2012-2014 a Research Area Specialist for CBSSM’s Ethics in Medical Education Initiative.

After working for two years at the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Clinic at Stanford University, Andrea-Fuhrel-Forbis pursued a PhD in social psychology at the University of Connecticut. While at UConn she worked on HIV prevention and health disparities research, in addition to working as a graduate research assistant for the CDC-funded Center of Excellence for Health Communication and Marketing. Her research interests include empathy and patient-provider communication, teaching and evaluation methods for ethics and interpersonal skills, decision making in medical contexts, targeting and tailoring behavioral interventions, and program evaluation. In her free time Andrea enjoys reading to her kids, travel, and taking thousands of pictures (90% of which rightfully end up discarded).