Costs of Dementia (2015-2016)

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Funded by the Department of Health and Human Services / Rand Corporation

Funding years: 2007-2013

Dr. Kenneth Langa will continue to collaborate with Michael Hurd, PhD and other RAND researchers on a research project designed to determine the full societal costs of dementia in the United States. Dr. Langa and Dr. Hurd collaborated on the original R01 project from 2007 through 2013, and will now continue collaborating on this no-cost extension for the project. The proposed studies during this no-cost extension will build on our prior collaborative work on dementia costs by: 1) Identifying costs of dementia at the household level over time, and its effect on the economic position of affected households); and 2) Extending our model of the probability of dementia by the inclusion of genetic information.

PI: Kenneth Langa